The ambition for our partnership is to make a demonstrable difference to our service users, local residents and staff. Working as one voice for mental health, we expect to strengthen our influence over the strategic direction of travel in North Central London, ensuring that health and social care resources are fairly allocated to meet the needs of people with mental illness and health problems
We want to be rooted in our local communities, working closely and consistently with borough-based integrated care partnerships and more local neighbourhood and primary care networks, as well as the NCL Integrated Care System
This local connectivity will be vital to tackling health inequalities. A key focus for the partnership will be addressing inequities in access to and outcomes from mental health services and care
It will also form a key plank in our anchor institution ambitions – contributing to local social and economic development
We aim to become the main provider of all age mental health services in all boroughs, both by expanding our partnership and embedding integrated arrangements for services with other organisations. This will put clinicians and service users at the heart of service design and delivery
Our aim is to take increasing responsibility for commissioning all age mental health services, bringing the quality and financial benefits seen in specialist areas, such as forensic services and Tier 4 CAMHS, to more general mental health services. Such responsibilities will involve developing new governance arrangements to oversee commissioning functions and budgets with a range of partners, including local authorities, as well as other NHS organisations
At the centre of everything we do will be the quality of our services, which we want to ensure are outstanding, and recognised as such by regulators. We see the partnership becoming a centre of excellence with top class research and education facilities, and a reputation for innovation
We serve a diverse population and aim for our leadership and workforce to be reflective of that diversity. We expect to increasingly recruit, and offer career pathways to, local residents
It is critical that our staff find the partnership a great place to work, so that we are able to recruit, and retain, the highest calibre of people in a range of professions and roles. The well-being of our staff is of vital importance, alongside fair opportunities for career development and progression. Equality, diversity and inclusion will be at the heart of what and how we develop
We will offer our service users and staff an excellent environment for care and treatment, continuing organisational programmes to develop modern, fit-for-purpose buildings for inpatient and community services and research facilities. The partnership will be digitally enabled, quick to adopt and utilise new technologies that support our service users and staff, using data and information to more effectively plan and operate services
We will direct an increasing proportion of our resources to front line and clinical services, generating efficiency savings that can be re-directed by reducing overheads