Values and Behaviours
We have developed a joint set of Values and behaviours to guide colleagues and develop the culture of the new Trust.
Our Values were developed through consultation with colleagues as part of our People and OD Strategy.

Case for Change
Our new Trust will allow us to:

Focus on communication, creating connections, celebrating successes, and fostering a sense of pride
Take the ‘best from both’, while weaving in new, innovative elements that sets our future position apart
Launch a range of events to build enthusiasm amongst our stakeholders and provide clarity of identity for the new Trust
Nine key changes that will benefit our patients:
- Integration will support quality of care and patient safety as we will be working at scale across the five boroughs, standardising best practice across NCL
- We will have a single bed base with an ambition to eliminate Out Of Area placements
- Ability to deploy staff with agility to meet changes in demand for our services
- Strengthens our financial position and delivers a 9% return on investment