Our Partnership Strategy
The North London Mental Health Partnership, [the Partnership of Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust (BEH) and Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust (C&I)] has developed this Strategy.It outlines our ambition to offer cutting-edge local, preventative, co-produced, person-centred mental health and wellbeing support to our service users and communities. We are committed to working with service users, carers and partners to improve the mental health of everyone in North London. This will mean supporting people to be resilient and have good mental health, and we will offer early intervention for those with mental health problems to prevent these problems worsening.

Our Partnership can bring the best of both worlds: operating at scale to ensure efficiency, spread best practice and create a stronger voice for mental health, while also empowering local teams to deliver responsive services for local people in each of the five boroughs.
By working even more closely together, our two Trusts can:
- Improve outcomes for our service users, sharing best practice to improve the quality of care and
ensure our services are delivered consistently in each borough - Remove competition between the Trusts to address mutual challenges collaboratively
- Become a united and powerful voice, nationally and locally, to champion mental health and mental health services in North London, and be at the forefront of national policy developments to highlight the rights and needs of our service users
- Provide more career development opportunities for our staff through our bigger scale and greater range of services
- Provide a single leadership team that works with all of our stakeholders at System, Borough and Neighbourhood level
- Create a new, shared culture and set of values, aimed at providing care that is preventative, compassionate, personalised, and trauma-informed
- Make efficiencies through economies of scale, sharing services and reinvesting resources where
they are most needed